ripples knitting blog

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

These are the goodies I got in the "Stuff Knitters Want and Gotta Have" Spirit of Christmas swap. My swap partner, Linda S. made these adorabe markers.

Friday, December 01, 2006

I was a participant in a hot sock swap with my Townies. It was so much fun. My partner was Angela in Oregon. I got the most awesome box of goodies. There is a skein of hand paint yarn from Spindle Cat Studios the color is Goldilocks, Wondering Cable Lace sock pattern, a notebook for my knitting notes, needle point protectors, double ended stitch holders, coil needle holders, three different flavors of coffee, mmmmmmm, a ghiradelli peppermint bark chocolate and the prettiest coffee cup of the Oregon coast and last, the most wonderful Holiday bath fizz in relaxing lavender. they are shaped like snow flakes. I'm in heaven. Angela you are the best!!